In ancient times, many people thought that orgasms were the work of the devil, owing to the immense amounts of pleasure experienced by a person as a result of an orgasm. Not any more. Over time, attitudes have changed and the immense popularity of sex toys suggests that you should leave no stone unturned to experience an earth shattering orgasm.
Orgasms from the health perspective
Research has proven that women who experience regular orgasms display more vitality than women whose orgasms are few and far between. Also, the effect of orgasm is also seen on the health of the women. The old adage ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ can be turned on its head and reworded to “An orgasm a day, keeps the illness away”. It’s not just orgasm through sex that’s beneficial. Orgasm experienced through the use of sex toys is equally just as effective.
More Sex – Better Lives
Those women who give their sex lives priority have been found to have better psychological and physical health. The overall effect of leading an active sex life has improved the general quality of life of the same women. Women having less sex, meaning those experiencing fewer orgasms have been found to be lacking in the mental and physical health department. Even if you don’t have a partner, the use of vibrators and sex toys can help you explore your sexuality and experience earth shattering orgasms.
Say NO to stress with orgasms
When you have sex, you crave an emotional as well as physical release. An orgasm is the high point of your sexual activity and also signifies its end. The human mind can channelize all the stress and tensions out of the body through an orgasm. A complex process is initiated by the body during an orgasm that helps enhance a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction. An absence of stress also helps keep the body in perfect mental shape. This also has an impact on your physical health.
Many women don’t experience an orgasm through penile thrusts. These women can experience the health benefits of an orgasm simply by using vibrators or other sex toys. As a woman you should not forego the health benefits of an orgasm.
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